We can practice in class the beatles song, because its necesary if you want to help their kids in the future.
Click here💚 THE BEATLES
We can practice in class the beatles song, because its necesary if you want to help their kids in the future.
Click here💚 THE BEATLES
This app help you to practice with games with the gramatical and phonetic forms.
💜Click here FAR AWAY
Is the present tense structure, if you want to spek in english you need to know how to create the sentences.
💙Click here NOW
We talked about the turism, food, attractions so forth.. It´s necesary to practice the gramar and the pronunciation for the future.
💛Click here TOUR
Is a conversation of the book , it´s a good oportunity to practice the speaking.
💗Click here EXCELLENT
I wrote a vocabulary about feelings and emotions, it´s necesary to know and recognize them if you want to speak in english💜. Click here HAPPY
It´s a video with my classmate Kitzia , we´re talking about our interests and skills , is a good practice for the future.💙 Click here VIDEO